There really is something wrong with this sweet - blonde - blue eyed girlfriend wanting a lizard. She was so excited to take me to the REPTILE store that I didn't have the heart to tell her NO. I told her we would go on Saturday because I KNEW that Saturday was going to be a blizzard and there was no way we could drive up Broadway to the "good part of town" to check out reptiles.
Why a lizard? I keep asking Ellie that same question. She says because ever since Lambeau died she doesn't have anyone to talk to - I told her we have about 15 fish in the pond in the backyard she can talk to. That didn't suffice. She has done some rearranging in her room so she has a place to put her lizard aquarium. Yikes.
Hey guess what? The weatherman was 100% wrong - there was a light dusting that morning so it was yet another beautiful day in Coloardo to go lizard shopping! We started off at PetSmart but they had little rinky dink lizards, not the "fun ones". The "BEST" place for lizards is the Scales & Tails - wow, I couldn't wait. I blame Dan mostly for this excursion because Scales & Tails is right next door to Mikes Sportscards where Dan frequents and where he takes Ellie sometimes and of course they have to go next door to see all the reptiles that came in. I was totally suckered into this.
As we drive up Broadway towards downtown we pulled into the strip mall of Scales & Tails and let me tell you - the place was packed with people. We followed a car into the lot and as they got out I realized they too were going to Scales & Tails - all 3 burly guys with their black wife beaters on, their lowrider jean shorts adorned with tattoos and piercing - just the place for my sweet little Ellie. As we pulled in - Dan told us he would meet us inside - he was going to say HI to his friend Mike next door. Are you kidding me? Ellie and I went inside and she proceeded to show me all the snakes, monitors, igunanas, and lizards - this was NOTHING like shoe shopping! A woman was in there with her 2 children and each of them had phythons wrapped around their necks! Even the woman in her fur vest had a baby phython going down her shirt, around her neck and on her head - so very attractive! She proceeded to tell me that this one was her "baby" and she has a larger one at home that her Jack Russell Terrier needs to be worried about because eventually as it grows larger, it will try and eat it. Lovely! You know the phrase that you everyone you meet will always know something you don't know? I would say everyone at Scales & Tails knew a whole lot of things I never knew like, you only feed your pythons dead rats/mice because you don't want them to think it is OK to eat things that are living, like your kids!
Ellie had her sights on a black and gold lizard - Dan told her that if she still wanted the lizard on her 10th birthday - in June - we would consider it. Whew, I now have 2 months to talk her into something else..............like a piano!
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